cUrl error (*45): bind failed with errno 99: Cannot assign requested address
Documentary on Learning Disabilities | 1960s ▶35:05
Learning Disabilities, What Are the Different Types? ▶7:31
The National Center for Learning Disabilities ▶2:00
Understanding Disabilities | Penfield Children's Center ▶3:45
How to Treat a Person with Disabilities, According to People with Disabilities ▶2:32
How to Treat a Person with Disabilities, According to People with Disabilities ▶4:52
Intellectual Disability ▶1:42
西村大樹/DAIKI|障がいとインクルーシブな職場づくり ▶14:56
Disability Inclusion Matters for All ▶52:40
発達障がい講座|第1回「そもそも発達障がいってなに?」 ▶4:50
発達障がいの理解と相談におけるポイント ▶1:24
Common Learning Disabilities ▶12:08
Disability and Child Protection | UNICEF ▶3:01
A Broken System Is Failing Thousands of Americans With Disabilities ▶6:28
A Broken System Is Failing Thousands of Americans With Disabilities ▶0:09
DISABILITY | How You See Me ▶50:47
フミダスドーガ 肢体不自由 ▶16:23
Famous People with Disabilities ▶6:37
How the NDIS is failing to protect people with disabilities | Four Corners ▶5:26
How the NDIS is failing to protect people with disabilities | Four Corners ▶10:41
自閉スペクトラム症/障害(ASD)など発達障害・かかわり方の基礎~「困った子」ではなく、「困っている子」~:竹田契一先生(大阪医科薬科大学LDセンター) ▶8:30
自閉スペクトラム症/障害(ASD)など発達障害・かかわり方の基礎~「困った子」ではなく、「困っている子」~:竹田契一先生(大阪医科薬科大学LDセンター) ▶6:50
Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities ▶10:48
Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities ▶3:37
障がいがあっても活躍できる会社であるために。障がいに対する認識を高める社員グループ「ABLED (エイブルド)」 ▶8:39
障がいがあっても活躍できる会社であるために。障がいに対する認識を高める社員グループ「ABLED (エイブルド)」 ▶3:15
ヘルスケア チャンネル | メドトロニック公式 ▶35:36
Accessibility, Education, Employment: The Challenges Faced By People with Disabilities ▶4:50
Accessibility, Education, Employment: The Challenges Faced By People with Disabilities ▶1:33
Hidden Disabilities ▶15:15
Disability advocates are calling for the Ontario Disability Support Program social assistance rates to double ▶6:13
Disability advocates are calling for the Ontario Disability Support Program social assistance rates to double ▶2:57
Employing People with Disabilities: Disability Awareness ▶1:29
Employing People with Disabilities: Disability Awareness ▶2:51
【特集】障がいがあっても仕事はできる ▶0:58
Transitioning Developmentally Disabled to Community Living ▶23:01
'What we wish people knew about living with a disability' | IDPwD | ABC Australia ▶9:40
'What we wish people knew about living with a disability' | IDPwD | ABC Australia ▶15:11
【大人の発達障害】特徴・こんなことに困る!(自閉スペクトラム、ADHD、LD別に解説)【atGP公式】 ▶0:58
【大人の発達障害】特徴・こんなことに困る!(自閉スペクトラム、ADHD、LD別に解説)【atGP公式】 ▶3:22
Understanding and Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities 91515 ▶1:46
Understanding and Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities 91515 ▶1:53
Life-long disability advocate on Ontario’s path to accessibility ▶3:13
What Are Disabilities? ▶58:22
LD(学習障害)の種類と特徴、対処法を解説【発達障害】 ▶43:36
【働く発達障害の方を応援】こねくとチャンネル ▶15:36
What Is Nonverbal Learning Disability? ▶47:15
The National Center for Learning Disabilities ▶9:00
Disability Inclusion Matters for All (with audio descriptions) ▶2:37
Disability Awareness: Accessibility at Work ▶8:30
Students with an Intellectual Disability Share Their College Experience ▶34:17
Students with an Intellectual Disability Share Their College Experience ▶2:08
Multiple Disabilities Explained in Under a Minute ▶2:20
Introduction to Developmental Disabilities for Direct Caregivers ▶1:28
Introduction to Developmental Disabilities for Direct Caregivers ▶6:07
Learning About Learning Disabilities ▶14:04
What we can learn from parents with disabilities | Marjorie Aunos | TEDxWesternU ▶8:27
What we can learn from parents with disabilities | Marjorie Aunos | TEDxWesternU ▶10:22
【ハマりやすい】発達障害がある人の特徴*発達障害 *発達障がい *大人の発達障害 *asd *自閉症 *自閉症スペクトラム *自閉症スペクトラム障害 *自閉スペクトラム症 *アスペルガー *アスペルガー症候群 *adhd *注意欠如 *注意欠如多動症 *注意欠陥多動性障害 *知的障害 *知的障がい *id *障害 *衝動性 ▶15:11
【ハマりやすい】発達障害がある人の特徴*発達障害 *発達障がい *大人の発達障害 *asd *自閉症 *自閉症スペクトラム *自閉症スペクトラム障害 *自閉スペクトラム症 *アスペルガー *アスペルガー症候群 *adhd *注意欠如 *注意欠如多動症 *注意欠陥多動性障害 *知的障害 *知的障がい *id *障害 *衝動性 ▶3:24
10 Self-Advocacy Tips for Young People with Disabilities ▶4:53
What Are Learning Disabilities? ▶8:19
How I help people with learning disabilities to flourish in their lives ▶3:41
How I help people with learning disabilities to flourish in their lives ▶13:07
Understanding Multiple Disabilities ▶6:38
Human rights and people with disability ▶2:24
Section 8 Secrets for People with Disabilities - Disability Housing Assistance Programs Section 811 ▶4:44
Section 8 Secrets for People with Disabilities - Disability Housing Assistance Programs Section 811 ▶4:22
(Course 01) Unit 01Understanding Disability, Part 1.3 Definition categories, benchmark disabilities ▶29:59
(Course 01) Unit 01Understanding Disability, Part 1.3 Definition categories, benchmark disabilities ▶5:53
How People With Disabilities Live Independently 🇺🇸 ▶15:44
How climate change risks impact people with disabilities ▶19:11
Judy Woodruff,Sam Lane,Sarah Clune Hartman ▶6:42
Students raise $300,000 to get their school an adaptive playground ▶16:30
Students raise $300,000 to get their school an adaptive playground ▶5:10
Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders ▶1:05
Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders ▶9:30
The National Center for Learning Disabilities ▶11:00
The Quality of Life (Documentary about Intellectual Disability) (2015) ▶29:15
The Quality of Life (Documentary about Intellectual Disability) (2015) ▶5:43
Understanding Accommodations ▶9:54
Regional Assessment and Resource Centre ▶2:12
See what children with disabilities can do ▶10:32
Design of Toronto bike lane endangers cyclists and pedestrians, says blind advocate ▶15:01
Design of Toronto bike lane endangers cyclists and pedestrians, says blind advocate ▶7:43
Disability Inclusion|アクセンチュアの取り組み ▶2:26
Accenture Japan | アクセンチュア・ジャパン ▶5:41
Disability vs the Workplace | Lesa Bradshaw | TEDxLytteltonWomen ▶14:13
Disability vs the Workplace | Lesa Bradshaw | TEDxLytteltonWomen ▶3:40
発達障害のことを正しく理解【特徴/種類/制度/支援】 ▶4:29
【障がいについて学べるチャンネル】Quality of life ▶15:20
De-Escalating Situations Involving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities ▶3:44
De-Escalating Situations Involving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities ▶3:59
発達障害って聞いたことがありますか? はじめての方向け。これをみればだいたい理解できます【精神科医・益田裕介/早稲田メンタルクリニック】 ▶2:01
発達障害って聞いたことがありますか? はじめての方向け。これをみればだいたい理解できます【精神科医・益田裕介/早稲田メンタルクリニック】 ▶3:24
Let's Talk About Disability ▶2:16
Scandal of patients with learning disabilities locked in ‘inhumane’ solitary confinement for 20 years ▶15:15
Scandal of patients with learning disabilities locked in ‘inhumane’ solitary confinement for 20 years ▶4:22
「注目できない」「注目しずぎる」の特性をサポートする3つの支援/自閉症・ADHD ▶13:31
「注目できない」「注目しずぎる」の特性をサポートする3つの支援/自閉症・ADHD ▶6:58
Disability Sensitivity Training Video ▶1:32
【社労士解説】障害者雇用に関するルールと令和4年の雇用状況 ▶14:24
【社労士解説】障害者雇用に関するルールと令和4年の雇用状況 ▶44:05
Bringing Visibility to Invisible Disabilities | Awareness and Education | *support ▶13:55
Bringing Visibility to Invisible Disabilities | Awareness and Education | *support ▶
We need to talk about disability ▶
A Decade of Breakthroughs for Disability Rights ▶
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Explained ▶
Two Kids. Two Undiagnosed Disabilities. ▶
Meaningful Inclusion in Early Childhood ▶
発達障害の特徴と職場で示せる配慮の具体的な事例 ▶
The Story of 2 Disabled Brothers ▶
Americans with Disabilities Act ▶
Residential Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disbilities ▶
Residential Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disbilities ▶
Thousands with autism and learning disabilities stuck in mental health hospitals ▶
Thousands with autism and learning disabilities stuck in mental health hospitals ▶
Explaining Americans with Disabilities Act compliance ▶
Learning Disability in Higher Education... | Lexie Garrity | TEDxVanderbiltUniversity ▶
Learning Disability in Higher Education... | Lexie Garrity | TEDxVanderbiltUniversity ▶
【障害者差別解消法】「合理的配慮」の判断基準と対応策とは? ▶
【障害者差別解消法】「合理的配慮」の判断基準と対応策とは? ▶
【発達障害】注意欠如多動性障害(ADHD)の3つ特徴を解説します ▶
【発達障害】注意欠如多動性障害(ADHD)の3つ特徴を解説します ▶
【働く発達障害の方を応援】こねくとチャンネル ▶
'You're treated worse than a farm animal' | Living with disabilities ▶
'You're treated worse than a farm animal' | Living with disabilities ▶
Disabled People Who Play Professional Sports ▶
8 Majorly Successful People With Disabilities - Motivation ▶
Disability Technology | Jeff Paradee | TEDxLSSC ▶
260 テーマ 障害者の生きる意味が理解できない人たちが多すぎる理由 ▶
260 テーマ 障害者の生きる意味が理解できない人たちが多すぎる理由 ▶
What Is ADHD? ▶
The National Center for Learning Disabilities ▶
Rights Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD) ▶
Rights Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD) ▶
What Is an IEP? ▶
The National Center for Learning Disabilities ▶
身体障害(肢体不自由・内部障害)の特徴と職場でできる配慮を解説 ▶
身体障害(肢体不自由・内部障害)の特徴と職場でできる配慮を解説 ▶
Helping People with Disabilities Become Working Artists ▶
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: 40 Years Later ▶
【感謝!】ディズニーランド障害者向けサービス(DAS)を利用させていただきました ▶
【感謝!】ディズニーランド障害者向けサービス(DAS)を利用させていただきました ▶
Lampのあかり - 障害児を育てる家庭のパパ ▶
Top 10 Inspiring People Who Killed Their Disabilities - Disabled People Doing Amazing things ▶
Top 10 Inspiring People Who Killed Their Disabilities - Disabled People Doing Amazing things ▶
「頑張る」と「配慮を受ける」の境界線はどこにある? 合理的配慮のやり取りはずっと続きます! ▶
「頑張る」と「配慮を受ける」の境界線はどこにある? 合理的配慮のやり取りはずっと続きます! ▶
発達障害×仕事・自立の最新情報がわかる Kaien公式チャンネル ▶
People with Disabilities Face Barriers. Inequality Shouldn't Be One of Them. ▶
People with Disabilities Face Barriers. Inequality Shouldn't Be One of Them. ▶
How to Interact with Customers with a Disability ▶
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) ▶
Disability Awareness: Intellectual Disability ▶
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) ▶
How much do you know about intellectual disabilities? | Matthew Williams | TEDxVancouver ▶
How much do you know about intellectual disabilities? | Matthew Williams | TEDxVancouver ▶
What Is An Intellectual Disability? ▶
Autism Program @ Fruitville Elementary School ▶
Recent Changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ▶
Recent Changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ▶
What Causes Learning Disabilities? ▶
Challenging Behaviour and Learning Disabilities: Independent living ▶
Challenging Behaviour and Learning Disabilities: Independent living ▶
Managing Problem Behaviors in Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities ▶
Managing Problem Behaviors in Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities ▶
障害者の性について|知的障害者の性について|異性介助と性虐待 ▶
障害者の性について|知的障害者の性について|異性介助と性虐待 ▶


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